Here's links to things related to Musicqueue
- Ogg Vorbis - Players for the ogg format
- mpg321 - A good command line mp[1,2,3] player
- mp3info - Command to print info for mp3's
- XMP - Player for more than 40 different formats!
- sidplay - Player for SID (Commodore 64 audio)
Similar programs:
- Room Juice - A program similar to Musicqueue, but it only supports enqueue mode
- MMMpg123 - Another similar program only supporting enqueue mode
- Gronk - A very album based program
- Obseqiuem - Seems to have many features but a confusing interface
Other software:
- Apache - THE web server
- icecast - Streams music
- DarkIce - Encodes your line in and feeds it to icecast
Erik Dalén