First you should install GCGI (Not needed for binary version of Musicqueue).
Musicqueue also uses some of the GNU'isms in glibc. But that should be present on any Linux system
Two users have reported some pretty strange errors when compiling with GCC 2.x, so if you don't have GCC 3.x you should download the binary packages
Musicqueue is available from
You might want to try the CVS version. It usually contains some fixes compared to the releases
Source packages:
First change the line 'INSTALLDIR = x' in the Makefile if you want to install in an another directory that ~/public_html/musicqueue/ . Then type 'make install-suid' to compile and install.
After installing you should edit musicqueue.conf to suit your preferences
Binary packages:
Just unpack the archive in your public_html directory and change the name of the folder to whatevery you want.
After installing you should edit musicqueue.conf to suit your preferences
Erik Dalén